BLACK          Not to be used for 'black', or evil, magick, black is actually used for

                        banishing illnesses and negative energies, breaking curses, and

                        exorcisms. Associated with quiet power, self-control, restriction,

                        depression, sickness, new changes, rebirth, wisdom, control, resilience,

                        discipline and absorption (why it is used for funerals). The color black          

                        attracts Saturn energy and can open up the deeper levels of the       

                        consciousness. Good for use in rituals to induce a deep meditational state

                        or to banish evil and negativity. Has the aspect of all elements.


            Personality: Someone who often dwells in his own dark recesses. A strong silent

            type but someone you don’t want to deal with if crossed. A night person as the

            darkness seems to be their safe place, their solace and quiet space. The things

            that make the "black" person unique, has also the tendency to dwell on things

            and has more bouts of depression than most others. This person tends to keep a

            lot of secrets.


            Magickal Uses: Banishing negative thoughts and situations, reversing,

            uncrossing, binding negative forces, releasing, removing confusion ,contact with

            spirits, dark magick , defensive spells (can be used with RED).


            Auras: Indicate a sickness, disease, and depression


            ELEMENT                 Air

            DIRECTION               East

            PLANET                     Saturn

            DAY                            Saturday

            NUMBER                   6

            MAGICKAL TOOL    Sword, Wand

            SCENT / OIL              Holly, Juniper, Yew, Myrrh, Cypress, Pine, Apple, Yarrow,

                                                Rowan, Vervain, Peppermint, Basil.

            PLANT/HERB           Oak, Yew, Beech, Elm, Comfrey, Holly, Ivy, Horsetail, Reeds,

                                                Solomon’s Seal, Mullein, Cedar, Clove, Cypress, Rue,

                                                Betony, Elder, Fern, Yarrow, Cayenne, Dragons Blood,

                                                Mandrake, Flax.

            WOOD                       Oak, Ash, Aspen, Birch, Hazel, Rowan

            ANIMAL                      Bobcat, Dragon, Panther, Raccoon, Rhinoceros, Groundhog,

                                                Blackbird, Lynx, Bat, Owl, Jaguar, Praying Mantis.

            STONES                    Onyx, Jet, Obsidian, Black Quartz, Black Star Sapphire,

                                                Agate, Tektite, Pyrite, Diamond, Moonstone, Galena,


            TAROT                       the Threes and the Queens

            ZODIAC                     Capricorn, Aquarius



BLUE             Blue is the color of healing, peace, psychic powers, emotion, mental,

                        calming, tranquility, sleep peace, loyalty, good will, purifying protection,

                        hope, sincerity, truth, patience, and written/oral skills. Blue is a spiritual

                        color that promotes laughter and joviality. It is the color of loyalty and is

                        used to attract the energy of Jupiter or whenever and influence or

                        intention needs to be increased. It brings good fortune, wisdom and

                        opens up blocked communication.


            Personality : Sensitivity, introspection, communication .This person is that a

            poet or an artist. Loves family and home. Is Loyal, conscientious, observant . Also

            may be a little more psychic than he/she believes themselves to be.


            Magickal Uses: Water magick. Balance, peace and patience,

            communications, health friendships, dreams, sleep, inspiration, harmony in the

            home, meditations


            ELEMENT                 Water

            DIRECTION               West

            CHAKRA                   Fifth, Throat Chakra

            PLANET                     Neptune/Mercury

            DAY                            Monday/Moon = Light Blues - peace, patience;

                                                Wednesday/Mercury = Blues - friendships, creativity,


                                                Thursday/Jupiter = Royal Blue - honor, happiness;

                                                Saturday/Saturn = Dark Blues - communication

            NUMBER                   5

            MAGICKAL TOOL    Wand, Cauldron ,Chalice

            SCENT / OIL              Lily of the Valley, Honeysuckle, Cedar, Basil, Jasmine,

                                                Sweetpea, Lotus

            PLANT / HERB         Carnation, Honeysuckle, Orange Heather, Cypress, Hazel,

                                                Oak Moss, Mallow, Aloe Vera Buttercup (communication),

                                                Daffodil and Baby's Breath

            ANIMAL                      Dolphin, Whale, Mermaid, Blue Jay, Gull Giraffe, Robin,

                                                Deer, Ass, Clam, Lizard and the Frog

            STONES                    Azurite, Turquoise, Coral, Blue Opal, Tanzanite, Sapphire,

                                                Chrysacola, Hematite, Sodalite, Blue Laced Agate, Lapis

                                                Lazuli (children), Aquamarine, Sapphire.

            TAROT                       The Hierophant , Suit of Cups

            ZODIAC                     Aquarius



BROWN        Brown is used for spells dealing with animals. Associated with earth

                        energy, grounding, centering consciousness, the soil, practicality. Brown is

                        an earthly balanced color that is good for rituals for material increase. It

                        can influence friendships, eliminate indecisiveness and improves the

                        powers of concentration. It can also help to locate lost objects.


            Personality: down to earth, common sense, security, practical, stable, loves to work

            with their hands , homebody


            Magickal Uses: centering, grounding, plants and animals, finding lost items,



            ELEMENT                 Earth

            DIRECTION               North

            CHAKRA                   Feet Chakra

            PLANET                     Earth

            DAYS                         Moon/Mondays - Tan Browns

                                                Friday/Venus - All Browns

                                                Saturday/Saturn - Dark Browns

            NUMBER                   2 and 3

            MAGICKAL TOOL    Wand, Salt and Goblet

            SCENT / OIL              Birch, Cherry, Cloves, Lilac, Rosemary, Orange

                                                Blossom, Bergamot, Comfrey, Linden, Patchouli and Myrrh.

            PLANT / HERB         Corn, Tansy, Ginseng, Willow, Lily, Ivy, Grains, Oats,

                                                Mushrooms, Orange Tree, Almond, Begonia, Daisy

            ANIMAL                      Toads, Cowbird, Faeries, Dog, Ostrich, Gnomes, Wolf,

                                                Bison, Elves, Pigeon, Horse, Deer, Pelican, Turkey,

                                                Woodpecker, Ants, Snake Pheasant, Beaver, Goat, Moose,

                                                Cow, Bull.

            STONES                    Rock Crystal, Smokey Quartz, Amber, some Tiger Eye,

                                                Sandstone, Granite, Pumice, Turquoise.

            TAROT                       Pages, Tens.

            ZODIAC                     Aquarius



GOLD             Gold is associated with the God and is also used in religious rituals.

                        Associated with fortune, riches, power, strength, and the sun. Gold is

                        beneficial in rituals to gain fast money or luck and rituals needing solar

                        energy. It is a happy playful color that fosters understanding and attracts

                        the powers of the cosmic.


            The Personality :luxury ,materialistic, a person who stands out and loves to be

            adored , sturdy, strong ,lucky


            Magickal Uses: hopes, fortune, money, strength, success, sun and fire magick


            ELEMENT                 Fire

            DIRECTION               South

            PLANET                     Sun

            DAY                            Sunday- Mental/Physical Action

                                                Monday - Mental Actions

                                                Wednesday - Physical Actions

            NUMBER                   2, 2, 0

            MAGICKAL TOOL    Incense Burner, Candle Magick

            SCENT / OIL              Frankincense, Patchouli, Cinnamon, Marigold, Ginger,

                                                Cedar, Musk, Tonka, all the colors of Yellow and some


            PLANT / HERB         Sunflower, Marigold, Buttercup, St. Johns Wort, Chamomile,

                                                Mistletoe, Saffron, Begonia, Geranium, Morning

                                                Glory, Snapdragon, Daffodil, Rosemary, and Daisy.


            ANIMAL                      Canary, Goldfinch, Beetle, Chameleon, Antelope, Crow,

                                                Bobcat, Goat, Lion Mouse, Gull, Martin, Bear

            STONES                    Gold, Petrified Wood, Topaz, Yellow Diamond, Pyrite, Yellow

                                                Jacinth, Citrine, Clear Quartz, Chrysolite, Goldstone,

                                                Malachite, some Tiger Eye, Carnelian.

            TAROT                       Sixes.

            ZODIAC                     Aquarius



GREEN          Green is used for earthly magicks, like gaining prosperity and fertility.

                        Associated with nature, growth, prosperity, luck, fertility, changes,

                        rejuvenation, jealousy, envy. Green is a good color for tree and plant

                        magick, it is the color of the mother earth. It helps with jealousy, ambition

                        and greed. It can attract love, social delights and increase fertility. Also

                        helps with monetary success, physical health and abundance.


            Personality: extroverted, happy, optimistic, status, possessive ,direct


            Magickal Uses: money luck, fertility faerie contact, guide contact


            ELEMENT                 Earth

            DIRECTION               North

            CHAKRA                   Fourth, Heart Chakra

            PLANET                     Venus, Jupiter, Mars

            DAY                            Friday/Venus - love, friendship

                                                Wednesday/Mercury - business transactions

                                                Thursday/Jupiter - luck, prosperity

            NUMBER                   4

            MAGICKAL TOOL    Wand, Cauldron

            SCENT/OIL                Elder, Mint, Musk, Sage Vanilla, Pine, Sweetpea,

                                                Mugwort, Patchouli, Vervain, Cinnamon, Marjoram.

            PLANT/HERB           Birch, Catnip, Blackberry Coltsfoot, Foxglove, Thyme,

                                                Yarrow, Feverfew, Burdock, Pennyroyal, Plantain, Briar,

                                                Verbena, Elder, Basil, Cedarwood, Sage, Dill, Clove and


            WOOD                       Birch, Elder, Almond, Hawthorn, Fig, Oak, Pine, Orange.

            ANIMAL                      Gnomes, Dwarfs, Fishes, Bee, Bull, Rabbit, Rat, Alligator,

                                                Turtle Grasshopper, Bison, Frog.

            STONES                    Emerald, Peridot, Jade, Malachite Coral, Green Tourmaline,

                                                Aventurine, Green Quartz, Gold, Silver, Rock Crystal Onyx,


            TAROT                       Emperor, Sevens

            ZODIAC                     Taurus, Aquarius




GREY             Neutral, calm, peace. Darkness with light. Grey is a neutral color useful

                        for pondering complex issues in meditation. It also helps combat negative

                        and evil energies and neutralizes them.


            Personality: a balanced type that stays out of conflict, introverted ,a loner,

            solitude, peace and quiet.


            Magickal Uses: balance, peace, patience, vision quests, moon magick


            ELEMENT                 Water

            DIRECTION               West

            CHAKRA                   not attributed

            PLANET                     Moon

            DAY                            Monday

            NUMBER                   6 and 1

            MAGICKAL TOOL    Seashells, Scales, Chalice

            SCENT / OIL              Ginseng, Jasmine, Comfrey, Mullein, Sandalwood, Vervain,

                                                Myrtle, Willow, Wormwood, Heliotrope, Betony, Thyme,

                                                Basil, Chamomile, Myrrh, Lotus

            PLANT / HERB         Clove, Hyssop, Oak Moss, St.Johns Wort, Rosemary, Yew,

                                                Cumin, Birch, Blackthorn, Feverfew.

            ANIMAL                      Armadillo, Ass, Cat, Dolphin, Opossum, Snow Leopard,

                                                Weasel, Wolf, Chameleon, Lizards, Spider, Lion

            STONES                    Moonstone, Black Pearl, Abalone, Opals, Quartz, Onyx,

                                                Malachite and Rock Crystal.

            TAROT                       Hanged Man, threes

            ZODIAC                     Aquarius



INDIGO          Indigo is good to use in rituals that need Saturn energy. It is beneficial in

                        rituals that require a deep meditational state.



MAGENTA    Magenta is a combination of red and violet that energizes rituals where

                        immediate action or high levels of power or spiritual healing are needed.



ORANGE       Associated with mind, business, legal problems, and ambition. Orange is a

                        color that can help with legal and business matters. It helps with

                        ambition, career goals and general success.


            Personality: agreeable ,extroverted, excitable, socialable


            Magickal Uses: personal creativity, career, legal issues, business


            ELEMENT                 Air/Fire

            DIRECTION               East/South

            CHAKRA                   Spleen Chakra

            PLANET                     Mercury/Mars

            DAY                            Tuesday-Physical Action

                                                Wednesday - Mental Action

                                                Sunday - Both Actions

            NUMBER                   2

            MAGICKAL TOOL    Wand and Censer

            SCENT/OIL                Dill, Lily of the Valley, Savory, Honeysuckle, Sweetpea,


            PLANT/HERB           Fern, Lily of the Valley, Marjoram Savory, Valerian, Vervain,

                                                Alstonia, Buckwheat, Calamint, Snapdragon, Flax, Senna,

                                                Wandering Jew, Mugwort, Rue, the same as the Red and

                                                Yellow for enhancements, Fenugreek, Gardenia.

            WOOD                       Hazel, Beech, Lemon Tree Maple, Lime and of course the

                                                Orange Tree.

            ANIMAL                      All of the RED & YELLOW animals; Swallow, Prairie Dog,

                                                Butterfly, Scallop, Bison, Butterfly, Catbird, Crane, Fox

                                                (clarity), Hawk, Martin, Prairie Dog and Squirrel.

            FEATHER                  Success, energy

            STONES                    Moss Agate, Carnelian, Alexandrite, Orange Sapphire,

                                                Quartz, Orange Calcite, Petrified Wood

            TAROT                       Eights.

            ZODIAC                     Leo, Aquarius



PINK              This color is used for spells dealing with love, affection, creativity,     

                        marriage, friendship, beauty, compassion, relationships and other   

                        emotions of the heart. Kinder and gentler then red. Pink is a loving,

                        nurturing color that attracts love and friendships. It is the standard color

                        for rituals to attract love or loving relationships. It is a very feminine color

                        that can bring good, interesting, lively conversation to the dinner table.


            Magickal uses: love, beauty, friendships, partnerships, romance, attraction


            ELEMENT                 Fire

            DIRECTION               South

            CHAKRA                   Heart Chakra

            PLANET                     Venus

            DAY                            Friday

            NUMBER                   1, 0

            MAGICKAL TOOL    Wand ,Cauldron

            SCENT / OIL              Sandalwood, Rose, Apple Blossom, Gardenia, Jasmine,

                                                Lavender, Ginger Sweetpea, Tuberose, Strawberry, Apricot.

            PLANT / HERB         Aztec Lily, Beans, Bishops Weed, Violets, Winter Cherry,

                                                Dropwort, Feverfew, Cotton Rose, Basil, Coriander, Crocus,

                                                Avocado, Ginseng, Kava-Kava, Ladies Mantle, Yarrow,

                                                Yerba Santa, Maidenhair, Allspice, Pennyroyal.

            WOOD                       Orange, Olive, Peach, Sycamore

            ANIMAL                      Cat, Dove, Sparrow, Deer, Conch, Clam and Oysters.

            STONES                    Pink Sapphire, Kunzite, Pink Tourmaline, Pink or Rose

                                                Quartz, Pink Diamonds, Pink Spinel, Pink Garnet, Ruby, Red

                                                Jasper, Emerald, Peridot, Aventurine.

            TAROT                       Sevens.

            ZODIAC                     Libra, Aquarius



PURPLE       Purple is associated with boosting your own personal magickal powers

                        and deep magick, spirituality, and meditation. Also used for deep and

                        powerful healing spells by some. Associated with justice, royalty, the

                        psychic, meditation, idealism, mysticism, guidance divination. Purple is a

                        very spiritual color that can help attract influences in high places. It is

                        ideal for rituals to secure ambition, financial rewards and independence. It

                        helps to bring contact with spiritual world and increases Neptune energy.


            Personality: proud ,independent, mystical arts, religious nature


            Magickal Uses: protection, power, spirit contact, breaking of bad luck, drive away

            evil, divination, spiritual and psychic powers, Astral Projection.


            ELEMENT                 Air

            DIRECTION               East

            CHAKRA                   Brow Chakra

            PLANET                     Jupiter

            DAY                            Thursday

            NUMBER                   7

            MAGICKAL TOOL    Wand ,Cauldron

            SCENT/OIL                Cedar, Carnation, Nutmeg Lotus, Angelica, Bay, Cinnamon,

                                                Ginger, Sandalwood, Jasmine.

            PLANT/HERB           Mimosa, Wisteria, Mugwort Hazel, Eyebright, Rowan, Elder,

                                                Rue, Shamrock, Clover, Oak, Dandelion, Betony,

                                                Meadowsweet, Begonia, Cactus, Dahlia, Iris, Violet.

            WOOD                       Willow, Lilac, and Mulberry.

            ANIMAL                      Elephant, Unicorn, Rabbit, Jaguar, Chickadee, Cuckoo,

                                                Eagle, Elk, Penguin, Vulture, Grasshopper, Chameleon,


            STONES                    Amethyst, Sapphire, Lapis Lazuli and Beryl, Clear Quartz, All


            TAROT                       The Chariot, Fours.

            ZODIAC                     Sagittarius, Pisces, Aquarius



RED               This color is associated with passion and vitality, fire, and passion. Of Life

                        itself, birth, stimulating, intense, highly-charged. Will, ego, potential.

                        Anger, aggression, lust, war, courage, strength, fear Its use in magick must

                        be cautiously guarded as it can be very wild and unpredictable. The color

                        red encourages passion, strength and courage. It aids fertility, will power

                        and increases magnetism in rituals. Red draws Aries and Scorpio energy.


            The Personality: bold, assertive, impulsive, extroverted, passionate, aggressive


            Magickal Uses: energy ,passion in love, courage, lust, power, transformation,

            loyalty, force, sexuality, Fire Magick. May be used with black candles


            ELEMENT                 Fire

            DIRECTION               South

            CHAKRA                   Root Chakra

            PLANET                     Mars

            DAY                            Tuesday

            NUMBER                   1

            MAGICKAL TOOL    Sword, Cauldron, Incense Burner, Candle

            SCENT / OIL              Dragons Blood, Basil, Pine, Cinnamon, Mullein

            PLANT / HERB         Sunflower, Nettles, Holy Thistle, Crowfoot, Hops,

                                                Wormwood, Cranesbill, Chili Pepper, Chives, Spikenard,

                                                Onion, Cornflower, Rose, Mustard, Garlic, Rosemary, Dill,

                                                Hibiscus, Woodruff, Tobacco, Pepperwort, Heather and


            ANIMAL                      Bear, Horse, Wolf, Ram, marsupials and night creatures,

                                                Tigers, Lions, Badger, Alligator, Ants, Beetle, Cardinal,

                                                Porcupine, Chicken, and Peacock.

            STONES                    Ruby, Garnet, Bloodstone, Spinel, Red Tourmaline, Red

                                                Topaz, Agate, Rubelite, Rhodochrosite, Quartz Crystals,

                                                Tigers Eye, Pyrite, Tektite, Diamond, Red Jasper.

            TAROT                       The Magician, Cups, Fives.

            ZODIAC                     Scorpio, Pisces, Aquarius



SILVER         This color is associated with the Goddess and used in religious ritual.          

                        Associated with purity, protection, ice, heaven, stars, potential, fame, the

                        cosmos. The color silver has a very feminine power and aids intuition,

                        dreams and astral energies. It removes negativity and encourages

                        stability, helps attract psychic energies and attracts the influence of the

                        mother goddess.


            Personality: a person who wants attention, clean, trendy , sharp and soft edges,



            Magickal Uses: clairvoyance, divination, Astral travel ,repelling spells, moon



            ELEMENT                 Air

            DIRECTION               East

            PLANET                     Moon/Mutable

            DAY                            Monday/Mutable

            MAGICKAL TOOL    crystal ball, glass, Wand, Cauldron, mirror

            SCENT / OIL              Sandalwood, Wormwood, Myrrh, Lemon Frankincense,

                                                Honeysuckle, Anise, Cedar Heliotrope, Betony, Lavender,

                                                Parsley, Thyme.

            PLANT / HERB         Rosemary, Woodruff, Mugwort, Marigold, Mustard, Rue,

                                                Sage, Tansy, St. Johns, Betony, Burdock, Mint, Fern, Elder

                                                Flower, Heather, Lilac, Lily, Mint, Dahlia, Gladiola.

            WOOD                       Birch, Elder, Almond, Hawthorn, Ash, White Heather, Cedar,

                                                Coconut Elm, Hazel, and Juniper.

            ANIMAL                      Dove, Snowy Owl, Chameleon, Cat, Lizard, Magpie, Whale,

                                                Swan, Bear, Hawk(perception), Lizard, Cat, Dog, Whale,

                                                Wolf, Praying Mantis, Dolphin.

            STONES                    Silver, Opals, Clear Crystals, Mother-of-Pearl, Quartz,

                                                Moonstone, Pearl, Aquamarine, Agate Geode, Amethyst,

                                                Rose Quartz, and Abalone

            ZODIAC                     Cancer, Aquarius



WHITE           Used for protection, blessings and general purposes. The color white is a

                        balance of all colors. It is a very enlightening and spiritual color. It is a

                        cleansing, truth seeking color that heals. It is a very beneficial color for

                        rituals involving lunar energy and may be substituted for any other color.



YELLOW       This one is for mental powers and intellect, as well as divination.

                        Associated with intellect, thought, analysis, sun, sunlight, memory and

                        creativity. Yellow is color that aids concentration, creativity and

                        intelligence. It brings the power of concentration and imagination to rituals

                        and is good for selling yourself. Use in rituals where you wish to gain

                        another’s confidence or persuade someone, or in rituals that require solar



            Personality: intellectual, learn, introvert, creative


            Magickal Uses: concentration, creativity, learning, intellectual, knowledge,

            understanding, astral projection, telepathy, mental abilities, thoughts


            ELEMENT                 Air

            DIRECTION               East

            CHAKRA                   Solar Plexus

            PLANET                     Sun

            DAY                            Sunday- Mental Action

                                                Wednesday - Physical Action

            NUMBER                   3

            MAGICKAL TOOL    Wand, Sword

            SCENT / OIL              Lemon, Frankincense, Bay, Patchouli, Marigold, Lavender

                                                Laurel, Cinnamon Orange Blossoms, Musk, Vanilla, Cloves.

            PLANT / HERB         Laurel, Vine, Ash, Rue Marigold, St. Johns Wort, Centaury,

                                                Chamomile, Mistletoe, Saffron, Begonia, Geranium, Morning

                                                Glory, Snapdragon, Daffodil, Rosemary, Sunflower and


            ANIMAL                      Phoenix, Snake, Beetle, Dragonfly, Meadowlark,

                                                Chameleon, Antelope, Snake, Crow, Bobcat, Goat, Lion,

                                                Mouse, Gull, Sea Lion, Parrot and Oriole.

            STONES                    Topaz, Yellow Diamond, Pyrite Yellow Jacinth, Rutilated

                                                Quartz, Clear Quartz, Chrysolite, Goldstone, Citrine, some

                                                Tiger Eye, Carnelian ,Amber.

            TAROT                       Knights, Sixes.

            ZODIAC                     Gemini, Virgo, Aquarius




            These color correspondences can be used with a variety of materials and in many different spells. Candle magick is one of the simplest forms of magick, but these same techniques can be used with other materials much as cloth, ribbon, ink, or about anything else for a fast and effective spell.


            First, empower the object you're using, be it a candle or whatever, with the goal you're trying to obtain. Concentrate on the goal, see the goal happening, and imagine your positive energy being let slowly but constantly out to help you with that goal as your candle burns. For example, let's say you need some money because your check was a little late and the bills were a little early. You'll want to get a green candle, green for prosperity, and empower it with your goal of making money. If you wish, you can use a hot needle to carve something into it, maybe a rune or even just a plain old $ sign. Once it's ready, say your spell over it. I encourage people to make up their own spells because it has a more personal meaning to them. However, if you're having trouble thinking of something, try saying "Help me find the money I need, send it towards me swift as a steed!" Any little rhyme will do, it doesn't have to be anything fancy as long as you can connect with it. Now, light the candle and let the energy go out and help you achieve your desired goal.